Carrot and ginger soup with Parmesan cream


2-3 Portions



Prep. time

5-10 minutes

Cooking time

30-35 minutes

We had this soup as part of our wedding Menu. I loved it so much that I wanted to recreate it at home. The combination of the sweet carrot and the right spice of the ginger warms you up on the coldest days. This soup is a perfect appetizer for a special dinner. The Parmesan cream adds a touch of salt and extra flavour that tides together perfectly.


For the Soup:

  • 4-5 peeled carrots (250 g)
  • 1-2 pieces (15 g approx.) of the white part of a spring onion/scallion
  • 1 piece of peeled ginger (5 g approx.)
  • 1 tbsp of butter
  • 500 ml boiling hot vegetable broth (I used 5 g or half a vegetable broth cube, dissolve in boiling water)
  • A pinch of salt, white pepper, garlic powder.
  • 1 tbsp of cream

For the Parmesan cream:

  • 100 ml of cream
  • 10 g grated Parmesan
  • A pinch of salt

*Optional: you can sprinkle at the end some radish sprouts if you wish, to add a touch of colour and flavour.


  1. Wash the carrots, peel them and cut them in smaller pieces of 1-2 cm approx. each.
  2. Wash and peel the piece of ginger and cut it in smaller parts.
  3. Wash the white part of a spring onion/scallion and cut it in slices.

  4. Add the butter on a pot, once the butter is melted and the pot hot, add the spring onion slices, the ginger pieces and the carrots. Add the spices and stir. Cook on a low temperature for 1-2 minutes.

  5. Pour now the hot boiling vegetable broth over the vegetables (I boiled the water and dissolved half a vegetable broth cube on it). Cook on a low temperature for approx. 15-20 minutes, until the carrots are soft.

  6. Blend the soup with a blender, if you don’t have one, use a minipimer/hand blender. Add the tablespoon of cream and continue blending. If the soup is too thick, add a bit of hot water until you like the consistency. Add more salt if necessary.

  7. *If you want an extra smooth soup, use a sieve to strain the soup, that way you remove any parts that didn’t blend well. This step might be necessary if you used a minipimer/hand blender.

  8. Prepare now the Parmesan cream: whip the cream until stiff peaks. Add now the grated Parmesan and the pinch of salt. Mix carefully with a spatula.

  9. Serve the hot soup. Add at the last minute the whipped Parmesan cream (otherwise it will melt immediately). To serve the cream I made a “Quenelle” shape. For this I used two wet spoons to give the cream this oval shape, overlapping the spoons with the cream until I got the shape I liked. I sprinkled some radish sprouts over it. Enjoy!

*This soup can also be served cold on a summer day, very refreshing. 


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